Useful tools for speeding up your studies
Hi everyone! Let me begin with a brief article that may help you out when you wanting to boost your studies.
Using computers is a wonderful window to a opportunity world whereas a swamp of time unproductive killing activities also.
I`m striving to be a good professional, and always there is a LOT of things to learn/do. Keep your neurons working right facing a bunch of good stuff without exploding is the main goal here. So I organized a brief list of tools to use that may help You to do a good work learning.
1. Save useful articles/news/texts to a place You can read later: Pocket + read later habit ;)
This tool usually comes with Firefox and have available versions for iDevices/Android, also a web interface. Main goal here is to save links. More than a Favorites, Pocket organizes in a way you can tag Your links, also get recommendations what to read based on Your saved links.
How many times you received an stunning article but haven’t time to read? When saving that in one place, create an habit to read your saved links in a time. Maybe tomorrow morning, after reading your emails.
2. Create To-do lists to boost Your work: Wunderlist + keep straight against deviations
Procrastination is a bad thing that comes by using computers. SPAM is inevitable. When You are studying a thing, it’s important to track where to go. Creating a study plan turns your learning process more serious. By setting a end, You may face it as a doable mission. Imagine yourself how frustrating is if you have to wash endless dishes.
3. Organize Your ebooks: calibre + keep always with You
Today’s developer is always reading. Optimize the way you read is as important as reading itself. Organizing Your books in a categorized and easy to find way is important If do You want to track progress of Your reading. Try centralize in one device and use bookmarks to track your progress. Actually I’m using an amazon kindle to do this because it has a distraction free tool, but there is an awesome Android app to organize Your books: PocketBook Reader
4. Sleep: Sleep as Android + Do sleep: really
This tool will help You to track Your sleep as suit a best Hour for You wake up. It has a lot of useful tools for helping You to have a good sleeping time. Waking up well will ensure You have a happy and productive day!
Last but not least: keep it simple. Try to test those tools and see what it suits for You. I encourage You to leave in comments which tools You use on Your day by day.
Thanks for reading! See You next time!